C Wells: More Than Just a Rapper


   C Wells is back. He came back into the fold of 2021 with a new music video “The Comeback”.  This could mean we’re getting a new C Wells project this year. He has this great ability of laying down the foundation and creating chatter of a potential new album before it is even announced. The comeback music video does just that (now accepting bets on when said album will drop).

   He makes references to working through the pandemic and expanding. Dropping bars about his clothing line and credited input on  the “Writing the Future Basquiat and the Hip-Hop Generation” Exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. This past year has shown C Wells is more than just a rapper.

    The Lynn hip hop scene pumped out a ton of dope projects last year and I can already see artists (C Wells included) setting the stage for what’s about to come in 2021.

Watch C Well’s music video “The Comeback” Here:


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